A community can be described in many ways. But to me, a community is a group of people that come together to engage in conversation whether for a goal or just for fun. Communities can form quite abruptly whether it is a new class gathering for the first time or a group of people joining together because they share the same interests.
But does technology provide? As in, does technology allow us to create communities and maintain them as how we would without it? I believe that it does. My reasoning behind this is simple. As a community can be a group of people joining together sharing interests, a perfect example would be those who enjoy video games, or enjoy art, even reading. Social Media for example, creates communities as it can help bring people together for idle chatter or for something of great excitement or importance. Another example would be Reddit. Reddit has many people using their message boards that are all part of a Sub-Reddit. These are all communities. Like a "general" community, they all allow people to come together and engage in conversation.While the Reddit community is large, it can be broken down into smaller communities such as the Sub-Reddit's have done; allowing you to be engaged in a particular area of interest, whether it be food, music or something completely random and made up.
There are many different communities and many do exist on the web. So again, to answer the question, does technology provide for communities? Yes it surely does.
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